Monday, December 8, 2008

movie response

Hawley Conger
Murderball Response
1. The two main Characters of the documentary were Mark Zupan and the coach of the Canadian team who in facto used to be a player for the United States team. Throughout the movie the head coach of the Canadian team learned to soften up and become less intense about things going on in his life. He started to lighten up on his son and on the fact that he did not make the team for the United States.
Mark Zupan re-united with His friend Igoe who was the cause for him being in the wheelchair. He mended that friendship and relieved some of the guilt that was going on there.
2. I really enjoyed the movie and I was honesty amazed throughout the entire thing. It wasn’t anything like I had expected it was much more intense. At first I felt bad for the characters, but by the end of the movie I really didn’t see anything wrong with any of them and I did not feel as though I was watching a documentary about disability.
3. They did all or the same things a typical male American would do, they went out to the bars they dated they had social lives and they played a serious sport. The only thing that could have been viewed differently was that they were in wheelchairs. By the end of the movie though I didn’t even notice that part. They weren’t disabled at all they are just like the average male athlete. I think that is what the director of this film was trying to get across by putting things such as the sex talks in the movie.
4. This film made it as though it was just another sports film it showed that they are just everyday people like everyone else. It made it so that the audience doesn’t have to feel sorry for them but happy rather.
I know that as I watched I forgot about the disability aspect and I was more focused on the sport they were playing and on there lives as people. I think that that was the point of this film. To show that we don’t have to feel sorry and we don’t have to constantly help them. We Are in fact all on the same level regardless of ho our bodies work.

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