Monday, December 8, 2008

The history of mental illness

Hawley Conger
Matt Wappett

The History of Mental Illness

In listening to the history of the disabilities and visually seeing what they are all about I have come to realize that it has come a long way though it is still a problem. It was really disturbing for me to see because I feel as though that stuff is hidden from us. We are taught a lot about history all through school but nothing of the history of disabilities is mentioned. Had I not taken this class I would have never know what had happened in the past and how highly disturbing it was.
While learning about the history I realized that as a society we look at them somewhat the same. Even if we feel as though we treat them kindly today, that is not the case we still hide them and separate them from the rest of society. Cases are still showing up everywhere where parents are treating there disabled children horribly and they are neglecting them; sometimes to their death. In several countries they still have institutions that treat them very poorly as though they are not human beings like the rest of us. The history always revealed a lot about medical history as well and where some of the ideas we still have today came form as well as some of the names that are now known as offensive. Moron and idiot and many more used to be known as medic

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